Project Ladybug
Imagine the scene: It's late at night. A Beautiful Young Woman has just had a fight with her Wretched Boyfriend at a nightclub, and is walking home through the bad part of town, an industrial park fallen on hard times, now the home of shuttered businesses and derelict warehouses.
A meteor streaks across the sky, growing larger and larger, until it crashes through the roof of an abandoned warehouse, now crumbling into ruin. Curious, the Beautiful Young Woman investigates, but soon finds herself in trouble when the alien drones spring from the dark recesses of the abandoned warehouse and drag her before the Alien Queen, which has hauled itself from the still-smoking spacecraft. The Alien Queen sprouts a mass of wet, slimy tentacles that violate the helpless Beautiful Young Woman in ways far too shocking to describe in this blog entry, lest you, Gentle Reader, pass out from the vapors, giving her ecstasy beyond anything she has ever known before until at last, delirious, she is overcome and loses her senses.
She wakes some time later, driven by a gnawing hunger more powerful than anything she's ever known before, an insatiable sexual need that drives her from the warehouse in search of prey. For you see, she is now host to an Alien Parasite, a creature that fills her with need, driving her to mate with all who cross her path, spreading the alien seed as she does. The parasite lives deep within her ladybits, granting unspeakable ecstasy to all with whom she copulates but denying her pleasure herself, as she roves the town in a frenzy of frantic, unnatural lust.
From this fantasy, spun by my Talespinner and me in a late-night sexting session, came our newest foray into weird sex toys from a realm beyond imagination: Project Ladybug.
“What if,” thought I, “I could actually make an alien that lived within her ladybits?” Picture something like a soft silicone fleshlight masturbator, designed to be worn vaginally, with a sinister alien opening and tentacles that wrap around her legs, holding it in place. It would grant great pleasure to those who have sex with the Beautiful Young Woman™ so afflicted, whilst denying her of any pleasure herself, so as to keep the fires of her lust unslaked.
This is Project Ladybug, and it comes after the first successful test of the nine-foot tentacle project.
So it was that when I was in Springfield two weeks ago visiting my Talespinner that we set about turning Project Ladybug into reality.
The idea was a sex toy exactly custom-fit to her internal anatomy, that would keep her nicely filled when the Alien Parasite was within her, so the first step was making a cast of her inside bits.
I thought this would be fairly easy. Slip in a female condom, fill her with dental alginate to the point she was properly full, wait for it to set, then remove it, make a 3D scan of it, and use that as the basis for the stroker. 3D print a model of the stroker, cast it in super-soft silicone...what could be simpler, right?
Ah, if only.
I ordered some alginate and, because alginate soon crumbles and is not very durable, some casting material to make a mold of the alginate, so that if it didn't survive the trip home, I could cast her internal bits in silicone and 3D scan that.
Armed with casting materials and a female condom, we set about the first bit, which quickly proved more difficult than we anticipated.
You'd think it would be easy. Lie your model on her back, slip in the female condom, fill with alginate, wait a couple minutes, and Bob's your uncle.
In practice, the first two efforts met with failure, because the alginate (a) sets way too fast (even if you get medium-set material) and (b) comes gushing back out, and (c) the entrance to the typical hoo-ha is soft and pliable enough that the casting won't stay centered.
However, my Talespinner came up with the idea of using a canning funnel, provide structural stability at the vaginal entrance, and I used cold water to mix the third batch of alginate to slow setting...
...which meant she had time to play on her phone whilst it set... voilà!
At this point, we had a (quite fragile) alginate representation of her internal anatomy. It was difficult and expensive enough to make, and the flight home fraught enough (I’d broken my suitcase on a previous trip to a convention, and so had flown out to see her with only a duffel bag), that I was paranoid, so I used a 3D scan program on my phone to make a quick, dirty 3D scan of the cast in case it was damaged on the trip home.
I shan’t bore you with the details of exactly what a PITA that turned out to be, except to say that it needed a place with (a) bright light that (b) I could move around in three dimensions (c) with a background that wouldn’t confuse the phone, so I ended up hanging her ladycast by a string from the ceiling fan in the middle of the living room with a sheet wrapped around, which is just as ridiculous and surreal as it sounds.
Anyway, emergency backup 3D scan made, it was time to make a cast, in the event the alginate didn’t survive the trip home.
I cast it right up to the midline, let the material set, sprayed it with mold release agent, then did a second pour to cast it full.
That created an entirely new problem.
Enter the TSA
I flew back to Portland with the cast, and a nine-foot-long silicone tentacle, and a four-foot-long silicone tentacle, in my carry-on luggage.
These things created no small measure of consternation at security.
The finished cast looked like this:
The X-ray looked...bizarre. (I really, really wish TSA would let me take pictures of the X-ray screens when I travel, I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe.)
They pulled my bag, as you would expect. They asked me many questions about the solid lump of heavy cement in my bag, as you’d expect. They swabbed it for explosives, as you’d expect.
Then they shut down the security checkpoint and called every single TSA agent over to examine the block of cement, which I did not expect.
They swabbed it for explosives again, using a different technique, one I didn’t even know they had.
They called a supervisor.
The supervisor comes over, glances at the X-ray, says “oh, I know what that is,” and waves me through.
As God is my witness, I really, really want to know what he thought it was. Because I can think of only two possibilities:
- He had no idea what it was, but he thought he did, in which case I will confess I am super curious about what he believed it was; or
- He knew exactly what it was, in which case he seems the sort of person I should get to know.
Upon arriving home, I faced yet another problem:
The mold release agent I put between the layers of the cast didn’t work.
Now I have a solid lump of cement with Kitty’s kitty trapped within, and freeing it is proving a nightmare. Half an hour of hard work with a hacksaw succeeded only in getting this far:
It may yet come to pass that I reconstruct Kitty’s kitty in a 3D program from the phone-generated scan and the photos I took. (I took a ton of photos, with a measuring tape for scale.)
In any event, Project Ladybug is proceeding apace, and at some point in the not to distant future I plan to have a monstrous alien parasite custom-fit to my Talespinner’s ladybits (for you see, the name Ladybug came from an autocorrect fail of “ladybits”) that will attach itself to her, driving her to a frenzy of unspeakable, insatiable alien lust.
Because if you’re going to make freaky sex toys, I think it’s time to move beyond “fantasy penises of supernatural creatures.”